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Time for change: Achieving business success during Covid-19

Published: Mon Nov 09 2020 08:53:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

With another lockdown underway, it’s clear that no one running businesses can stand still and think that the old way of operating will return.

It’s a time to embrace the change and find a new way of trading.

Turbulent is probably the best way to describe today’s trading conditions. Some sectors are booming whilst others are flatlining. Achieving success in what remains of the decade is about reworking what you do and finding clients and customers that you can help. That doesn’t mean it is all doom and gloom; it means that to win, we have to be agile, proactive, and able to diversify.

How our business has changed

Fortunately, our consultative ‘relationship building’ approach has stayed as successful as ever. What has changed is the way we quote for business and report the information. Looking at new opportunities and changing our thinking has delivered new prospects and campaigns in industry sectors that are new to us.

At Straightahead, we have:

It is quite incredible how, in these uncertain times, the leads we are generating are so solid, which is a powerful indicator of the commitment that everyone has to keep trading. Unlike during lockdown 1, we are getting the feeling that our clients are more determined to work through this and are prepared to do whatever it takes to survive.

Before you think this has been a breeze for us, like most businesses this year we’ve lost clients who didn’t make it past the first lockdown. We are aware of the unfairness of this situation but know it’s time to make bold choices to work through this, to be flexible and to find a way to build the business back in a different way to reflect changes in the way we trade.

Today, it’s about adjusting how we operate, mirroring the changing needs of our clients, and making sure we find that silver lining.

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